By Anonymous - 02/05/2009 20:12 - United States

Today, I finished my SAT and was feeling pretty good about it. I decided to turn on my phone, since it was on silent. As the guy was collecting our tests, my phone vibrated a little. My score was cancelled. It was a text from my mom reminding me to turn off my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 390
You deserved it 88 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you ever, ever turn your phone on when still in the room? You deserve that twice.

you deserve that sooo much...they repeat over and over again DO NOT TURN YOUR PHONE ON UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE BUILDING, is it that hard to be away from your cell phone for two seconds in order to take one of the most important tests of your academic life??


Oh good god YDI. At least your resultant SAT score is accurate.

purupuru 1

You're a dumbass. I was taking my tests yesterday too, they told us a million times not to have our phones on, and there were only ten kids in the room. The rule is that if it goes off, no matter what reason, or if it's on, your test is cancelled. That's it. No excuse. You should've known that, even on the Subject Test it says so on the front. Idiot...

Sorry, but YDI. They warn you hundreds of times to leave the cell phone off at LEAST until after you've left the room. lol @ #2... >.> "people are for real WAYYYY too obsessed with their cell phones. someone can't get ahold of you for another thirty seconds!!! OMFG! LIFE RUINED." lol tell me about it. Some girls around here seem to have their cell phones glued to their heads.

Haha, holy overreactions. Still, maybe you should have left it off. My phone was vibrating every five minutes during an exam I wrote in my tutorial a few weeks ago. I didn't get in trouble though... just drew a few chuckles when I got so fed up with hearing it that I punched my bag. Didn't check it though.

MyBloodSings 0

YDI for not paying attention to the damn rules. This isn't even a FML!!!

#135: not JUSt girls, either. what actually pisses me off are those businessmen with bluetooth headsets on 24/7. i mean, ****, i can't tell if you're talking to me or to yourself! i hate headsets. makes everything more confusing. OP: it seems kind of unnecessary to have turned on your phone then. but i mean, it kind of all depends on what teacher you got as your moderator. some are really lax, some are totally insane, trust me. so bad luck, but you shouldn't have been so enthused to turn on your phone in the first place. and i agree with #11.

j0annass 0
VagMaster69 0

your not suppose to turn on your phone. your an idoit

you're an idiot. ydi. dumbass. and #2 youre also an idiot

#7 how is that harsh? thats the ******* rule if you're stupid enough to turn on your cell phone during the SAT then youre score is gonna get cancelled