By Anonymous - 26/09/2010 09:26 - Vietnam

Today, I finally had the confidence to show my girlfriend my hairy chest/stomach. I'm very self conscious about it, and get embarrassed easily. She said I looked disgusting, called me Chewbacca and broke up with me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 304
You deserved it 7 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're self-conscious about it, there are plenty of ways to get rid of hair you don't want. Doesn't excuse your ex's bitchy superficiality, but you don't have to have it if you yourself don't like it.

#13 Some girls like hairy chests and don't think that the hair makes guys "look like shit." Personally I find it weird when guys don't have any chest hair at all. I don't want to feel like I'm preying on the pre-pubescent... :O


siobuhm 0

bro. wax and maybee you might keep a chick cos i know i hate hairy chests.

Rwaaaa greaaar wreeear urgggr. (that'd be wookie for grow a pair)

I hate everybody in every post and comment that implies it's normal to break up with someone over something as superficial as physical matters. And with physical I mean body or looks. If you like someone, you don't just like them because they look good or smell nice. And if you do, you don't deserve to have a partner at all. If you think something is unattractive on a person you like, just tell them about it and maybe he/she can do something about it. I don't like it when my boyfriend shaves off his hair, but he did, and I didn't break up with him, even though I think he looks ridiculous. That's because I love him for who he is, not his hair. All you people saying/believing someone should alter their looks to meet someone's 'boyfriend/girlfriend' requirements need to grow up and realise you will never be in a good, healthy, longlasting relationship that way.

What a bitch... I'm sorry, OP, you really didn't deserve that. :( And I agree with some of the people here, you shouldn't change your appearance because someone else doesn't like it. But if it bothers you so much, why not shave? Then again, I do get why someone wouldn't shave... I personally hate shaving with a burning passion, mostly because it causes razor burns and grows back all stubbly and itchy and gross. :/ Oh well. Anyway, FYL. But hey, look at the bright side... Better get rid of that bitch early, before things get too serious.

savbabesparkel 0

Reese your gross!! dude u need to shave or wax. you just wasted your chance with love but whatever cuz there is always other fish in the sea

atomicbaboon 0

it's okay. maybe obi wan can hook you up with amidala.

SaharNar 0

that's so mean :( what a bitch ! forget her !! hunn you can find better ! work on your confidence and try not to give a damn bout what others think :P it's hard I know but helps alot!