By PissyPants - 20/06/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I finally got my first kiss. I was so excited, I pissed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 220
You deserved it 29 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Puppys also piss when excited. Are you sure you aren't really a puppy? Bad dog! Get off the Internet.

superbadd 0

mah first kiss went a little this *muah* then piss *ssss* *ssss* then piss :D


89: I'm a woman, and I really like a guy who can use proper capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. You must like stupid girls. It's a damn shame people like you are breeding. You're a degradation to the collective intelligence of humanity.

nightELFassasin6 0

agreed with sonnet and cinn stop trying to be nice u know he's right

s2000lover 0

89- let's see... I'm 25, just divorced with 2 kids. I think I've gotten laid at least a few times, while you are too busy tokin it up. oh yeah, and I make $150k a year. what have you done with your life?

Ayeeeeee 62 calm down yes the iTouch is real it's the alternate name for the iPod touch that even the creators call it an iTouch.

s2000lover 0

oops I meant 77 sorry only read the comment first time