By soisblueballsdickhead - 26/10/2014 14:25 - United States

Today, I finally felt ready to give my boyfriend a blowjob. Barely 20 seconds in, he said: "I'll be honest, this is TERRIBLE." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 028
You deserved it 9 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontClickOnMe 28

He could've been nicer about it, but if it really bothers you, ask him how he likes it and to give you some tips. He should be helpful, not hurtful.

If it's her first time it's not really her fault... He needs to be nicer and patient and kindly let her know how to improve, it is very nerve-wracking for a girl to perform for the first time.


How about this: he keeps his d*** in his pants and you just suck iceblocks. seriously, gross!

MzZombicidal 36

PLENTY of people would disagree with that last bit. lol

To be honest, it's better than seeing him loosing his erection. It's something you have to learn, it's not the best thing to hear for your confidence but he can tell you what he like and you can look online to find some ideas.

I was worried about this when I was young too. I had a guy friend who I got on well with, there was chemistry but we both knew we'd go no where. I was talking to him about it and he talked me through it and practiced on him. Then he repaid the favour. Still friends now.

Tsukiyomi 16

All you people in the comments with relationships and I'm just over here hugging my dog

If it makes you feel better it's a cool looking dog

There are nicer ways to be honest. Just saying "this is terrible" will only knock her confidence and probably make next time even worse. Telling her *nicely* to stop and then telling her what he'd like her to do would be a much better way of going about it.

Tell him to effing guide you instead of making you feel like shit. Next time he goes down on you tell him the same thing see how he feels.

Surprised no one mentioned a grapefruit yet.

don't worry about what he thinks some people have different taste no pun intended