By Jaided_Genetics - 17/08/2016 04:20 - Canada - Kingston

Today, I finally addressed why my boyfriend started calling me "love bug" since we haven't used pet names in the entirety of our 2 year relationship. His response? "because I love you but you bug the shit out of me. It seemed appropriate." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 506
You deserved it 2 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Before you act on the 'you need a new boyfriend' comments, mayhaps it is wise asking him what it exactly is that bugs him. This way you might work something out! Good luck OP!


Huh, thats what my ex called me for most of our relationship, which now puts some stuff in perspective

To be fair, I say the same kind of things to my best friend. I'm pretty sure it comes with any sort of close relationship that even though you love each other, you still drive each other crazy. Take it as a sign of affection, and give him a sassy nickname in return.

so? that's the basis for the pet names both me and my wife use for each other. we still love each other of course

Honestly this would piss me off in the beginning but I'd let it go easily. You probably get on each other's nerves & while we hate hearing it, it's the truth. The important thing is that he loves you so take heart in that. Love is a many splendid thing (I know it's wrong but I like it better).

that's kinda cute tbh. it's not a good relationship if you can't annoy eachother and love it.

species4872 19

I'd be honored if this was me. Lmao, I take pride in annoying the shit out of people

Cocoabear47 6

This is ******* AWESOME ✌?️??

Well, the way I feel is, I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now and he does bug the shit out of me. I KNOW I bug the shit out of him. When you're in a relationship, you bug eachother. I think it's a cute little nickname that you too can giggle about like an inside joke!