By Water Daughter - 13/10/2013 05:51 - United States

Today, I figured out my 1-year-old daughter likes to dip her hand in our dogs' water bowl, and rub the water on her face. So I put the water bowl out of reach. She then figured out how to open the bathroom door and use the toilet instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 556
You deserved it 4 562

Same thing different taste


ReyanaC29 11

I guess you gotta move your toilet

If she likes water that much maybe start teaching her to swim.

XBurytheCastleX 25

Dog's mouths are actually very clean. Put the dog bowl back.

Uhh... no they are not. Have you seen what dogs eat? The only reason they lick their wounds is because it removes the dead skin and that helps it heal faster.

imagineapc 11

My suggestion is bathe your child more often. She clearly wants to be clean, even if she doesn't understand the ways she's going about it aren't the most sanitary.

babybobetski 6
ulissey_fml 22

When mine was about 11 months old , I saw her dip her comfort blanket into the bowl , THEN dip it into the cat litter, then crawl around in triumph with the unspeakable result firmly stuck between her teeth . Toddlers have a limitless capacity for yucky tricks.

monnanon 13

i have a covered cat litter box which my son (who is now three) tried to crawl into. i caught him rustling his hand in it. this is one of the few reasons i have hand sanitiser in my house and a small bottle that goes where i go. its unreal what small kids get into.

Put a separate water bowl in the bathroom for her? With the door closed so the dog cant get it, u cant just tell her no lol

It'll just toughen up her immune system. I'm guessing she's your first child. If she was your 2nd child you wouldn't worry about it.