By kkbb - 14/03/2010 06:05 - United States

Today, I figured out it's the first time my roommate has done the dishes after living together an entire year, but I got to clean up the bubble waterfall that came pouring out of the dishwasher because she couldn't figure out where the detergent was supposed to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 518
You deserved it 2 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol, took you a year to realise your room mate doesn't do the dishes.....

dudeitsdanny 9

Teach her. Problem solved. YDI for not making her clean it.


She's feigning incompetence to get out of doing them. Your pimp hand is obviously weak, which is what led to this kind of behavior.

Erindub 0

Yeah I know its been said but yeah if shes not blonde...I just don't know

risssssa3 0

uhmmm you should have made her clean it up!

ClouDn9n 0

DO NOT clean the bubbles.......think about the fun you could have with your roommate, and bubbles....and 99 other beatiful women....

ic3fyr3 0

wat a moron it's not that hard to figure out besides that if she needs to she can google it..

Sounds like she doesn't spend enough time in the kitchen.

Well, at least she was in the Kitchen.

Uhht, guess you should've stuck to doing them yourself.

I wouldn't be complaining. I LOVE bubbles

stormer461 13

She's a women and doesn't know how to wash dishes? Damn