By kkbb - 14/03/2010 06:05 - United States

Today, I figured out it's the first time my roommate has done the dishes after living together an entire year, but I got to clean up the bubble waterfall that came pouring out of the dishwasher because she couldn't figure out where the detergent was supposed to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 518
You deserved it 2 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol, took you a year to realise your room mate doesn't do the dishes.....

dudeitsdanny 9

Teach her. Problem solved. YDI for not making her clean it.


YDI for not making her do it before. Also, dishwasher detergent doesn't bubble, so that's another YDI for choosing a stupid (and lazy) roommate.

lota 0

lol sucks for you… just do the dishes next time?

epiclyamazinly 0

my brother couldve done that better and he never llifted a finger in his life