By socially awkward - 10/03/2012 06:00 - United States

Today, I discovered that the amount of alcohol I have to drink to build up enough courage to talk to women at a bar is the exact amount of alcohol that prevents me from getting a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 306
You deserved it 8 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use that same amount of alcohol to get her drunk instead. Problem solved.

Psycho_Babydoll 26


Raj from The Big Bang Theory has you beat.

I think maybe just maybe if you are old enough to be legally drinking in a bar you should be able to talk to someone without the aid of alcohol. And since you reference talking to women and not being able to get a boner I am going to assume you are looking for random hook up. Maybe you should seek out a couple friends with benefits. Much safer in more ways than one than random strangers in a bar. You don't want to catch something.

I disagree; people can be painfully shy well into adulthood, and many are. Sometimes, you don't just "grow out of that".

mzkay7 1

Just relax and be yourself. That way you know the girl likes you for who you are :)

Wow that sucks... Sorry I have no good advice

Thats not so bad...just talk to them and in a way this is a WIN, You dont want that thing to just pop up in the middle of a conversation

tdawg4200 0

Pay a hooker. Man up. By the way. Only losers and old people don't have sex

Um, sex is a choice. If a person isn't interested in sex and therefore doesn't want to have sex, it doesn't make them a loser. You're kind of an asshole.

27 - Personally, I hate when guys are overly cocky like that. I admire confidence but that's just ridiculous, and I'm sure I'm not the only girl who feels this way. We're not objects. Edit: Apologies for posting in the wrong spot. Didn't realize.

It's all in your head. Just be calm and collective, showing that you have confidence in yourself. Chicks really like that.

That's good, you don't want a boner while talking to a girl