By Anonymous - 07/08/2012 14:49 - United States

Today, I discovered that I sometimes talk in my sleep. After spending an amazing, perfectly romantic night with my boyfriend, I woke up to him telling me to leave. I have no idea what I could have said. He still won't talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 657
You deserved it 3 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was his dick size wasn't it OP? They say people who keep back information or lie say it in their sleep.

"His dick looks exactly like mine before the surgery. He doesn't even know. He doesn't even know... Turtle has been hidden."



I don't think girl's will be up to hailing periods. If you know what I mean.

mrdinofly 6

You called out a guy name other than his during your sleep?

Maybe you said, ''I love you''. That would scare some guys quickly.

KiddNYC1O 20

She mentioned marriage. The horror!

You probably fessed up about that ****** you faked.

saxetsasnak 5

That sucks OP. I don't necessarily talk in my sleep, but I'm known to mutter obscenities. It makes people uncomfortable

bizarre_ftw 21

Did you cheat? Do you want to? Are you second guessing the relationship? Is there something he likes that you find ridiculous? Do you fake orgasms? Really it could be anything you've been withholding cuz you think it'd hurt him, or you could've said your ex's name instead of his in the middle of the night. One way or another I'd go see a sleep specialist

Why see a sleep specialist over talking in your sleep I know a lot of people that do it. It's not like sleep walking or eating. Your not hurting anyone, and hurt feelings over it don't count, it happens you have no clue what you say or why you say it. I never remember what i might have said, even if I get asked about my dreams which I remember most of the time. The two never go together.

Does anyone else want to know what was said?

That sucks. I moan in my sleep and my friends make fun of me for it. Anyways, I hope everything works out. Give him a few days; he should get over it.