By imfromtexas02 - 06/06/2009 14:03 - United States

Today, I discovered an enormous hairy spider sitting in the bathtub. I also discovered that I scream like a girl and pee a little bit when I am truly terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 433
You deserved it 12 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We all scream like little girls at some point or another in our lifetimes. The real question is, did anyone hear you? Did the police come to investigate because they got calls from neighbors fearing a girl was being raped? That would truly be an FML. Oh, wait. Just playing. Spiders are scary, eh?

Hehe, peeing when you're scared is a natural instinct, animals do it so they weigh less and can run a 'little' faster.


Capnstinkfoot 0

I screem like a girl & pee a little when I think of dick cheney

That SAME thing happened to me last night. No joke. I was quite startled, and just hopped out of the tub quickly, but i just caught it and put it outside, but that's not the point. I feel your pain. =)

I seriously feel you, buddy. Spiders terrify me. If I suddenly see even a teeny-tiny spider I FREAK. Arachnophobics represent!

iowagirl1997 0

I do that but hey, Im an 11 year girl...