By Mary - 13/01/2013 15:49 - Czech Republic

Today, I decided to go to a UV-light party dressed all in white. Before leaving, my little brother dumped a glass of tomato juice over my head saying, "Now you look just like a used tampon!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 402
You deserved it 5 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've used the name Bloody Mary instead, OP.

Was it a costume party? Because, that's a pretty damn original outfit. Rock it! Get the string from a balloon to get the whole effect.


yourmofo 6

Then you should break his nose and say he looks like a bleeding pussy.

calliet145 14

I immediately thought of the period pants scene in Superbad after reading this haha.

just call yourself a Hipster and you'll be good.

Just think... U can do that to him on his first date or picture day as he's walking out

Satoaoi 13

psht I would have beat his Lil ass Lil brat needs to be sat on and given a noogie

Steel_BZ 8

Did anyone else think this was going to end by some kind of stain being revealed?

Bludmagnus 13

That kid needs a real dose of what is just this side of the line between discipline and child abuse.

Watch out for Giovanna Plowman. She might try to eat you