By Foolish - 18/07/2016 06:51 - United States - Los Altos

Today, I decided to give my boyfriend one last chance at fixing our failing relationship. Instead of talking about how to fix our dying relationship, he decided to game all day and ignore me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 244
You deserved it 1 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you gave him one more chance and he wasted it. Taking him back after this will just allow him to keep treating you like shit because he knows you'll come back eventually. Time to move on OP.


I have been telling people online more often than I should, no game should take priority over a relationship. This is of course paraphrased

I Agree. Nothing should get in the way of a relationship especially a video game, or games on the phone, I deal with this everyday and I'm married.

#23, if you would, consider this. the guy may not have known OP was giving him "one last chance or he may simply agree that the relationship was dying and done this as a way to prevent himself from directly hurting her feelings by revealing that it's not entirely his fault. i know I'm projecting here but that isn't too unlikely

I've been there. It's not worth wasting your time on fixing something that he isn't interested in.

J_Kertz 14

Consider the fact that he might not want to fix it. You might be a bitch. We don't know.

Then he should've been the one to break up with her?

TMO2142 25

I say break his game disk :) he doesnt want to listen to you, you dont wanna listen to his game.

TheLostCauseFML 40

Sounds like my ex. Is his name Bryan by any chance?

you were probably a clingy chick to begin with, you derserved it

I've been in your boat, OP. He chose his games and **** over our apartment, our jobs, pets, and me. I don't regret my decision to leave.

This happened to someone I know a few days ago as well, over here in the UK. Please don't let someone who showed you so little concern drag you down. I'm speaking as a gamer myself; ignoring actual people who are there to see you is just rude, and nobody deserves to be treated like they're not there. There will be someone out there who'll truly value your company... good luck!

Did he know that it wash is last chance, and that you both needed to talk that day?