By ThisChick - 06/07/2016 17:59 - United States - New Orleans

Today, I cringed at a memory of 5-year-old me going to restaurants I was brought to and stealing tip money because I thought it was free. I got to watch a kid do the same thing to me. Oh, sweet karma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 055
You deserved it 2 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, now you can stop that kid and keep him from doing it anymore. Karma chain broken, maybe?

Be that person to intervene that you needed when you were a kid.


I'm sure a lot of people did this as children. I know I did it once at my dad's restaurant.

YDI for not stopping the kid, getting the parents and/or explaining why it's wrong.

rabbi1010 29

what if they get fired for saying something? Maybe thats why op didnt speak up.

I saw a kid do this at a restaurant where the kids were celebrating victory at a karate tournament of some kind, and their instructor caught him and made the kid apologize to all the waitstaff and then made the entire class go outside and do push-ups. I thought it was a great deterrent for the other kids.

Next time you need to step up and tell his parents - and I'm sorry you lost that money OP!

Oh yeah, I live in Louisiana and my grandmother told me that if I put my hand in the wrong jar, someone might have a small alligator and it will bite. I'd never stolen any, but we saw someone else do it.

Dear ThisChick, I am a columnist (and recent editor in chief) of Reader's Digest magazine. Would you be willing to let me talk with you about your story, get a bit more background, for my new column in the magazine? Email me at [email protected] and we can set a time to get on the phone to chat. I think this is amazing, and there is much more to it?? Yours truly, Liz Vaccariello