By nothappywithlife - 30/03/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I checked my facebook, and my wife of 5 years was listed as single. I then write on her wall that it is ok to announce to be married. She writes back saying that we have to talk and to come to the kitchen. My wife divorced me over facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 528
You deserved it 44

Top comments

thats a real kick in the junk.facebook screws everyone over..

I had that happen when I was dating a douchebag once, but a MARRIAGE!?


there's no way in hell this is true. how did this even get in???

FYL, but you guys must've had great communication skills.

jesseraexo 0

ahhhh what a bitch your better off without her!

#125, why wouldnt it be true? like #8 said, technology is a new way to get screwed. dude FYL.. i feel to bad for you, that sucks ass. whatta bitch!

didn't some husband kill his wife over something like this in this exact situation?

ooh thats cold but kinda funny no offense

What did the five fingers say to the face?

My ex kinda did the same thing. Sucks.

justjayit 0

That is the most juvenile and cowardly thing ever. Not even highschoolers in petty relationships should pull that shit.