By Anonymous - 23/10/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, I carved a pumpkin for Halloween. I thought it would be cool to carve my name, and have it shine through onto the wall behind it. I figured that if I carved my name backwards then it would show up correct on the wall. My name's Lana and now my wall says Anal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 490
You deserved it 49 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That doesn't make sense... it should be right if you did it backwards properly.

perdix 29

Why is this post by Anonymous when you say your name is Lana? Don't think of the pumpkin as a mistake, but as an epiphany. 1. Put it in your window. 2. See who shows up. 3. Learn to love it up the poop chute.


HA! this one literally made me lol! oh that's going to be one hell of a Jack-o-lantern if you leave it. happy Halloween, Anal.

ydi.... looks like something a blonde girl would do. this is totally your fault.

briannaxbabyy 0

How is this an FML? so what, you didn't know how to carve a pumpkin. I'm pretty sure you life isn't ******.

Okay, maybe their mom didn't die of cancer, or her boyfriend turns out to be a space alien, but be a little realistic. We don't want just sad and horrible FMLs all the time, do we? I mean, this IS a humorous site, isn't it? What would you like to laugh at?

blondeychck7 0

haha my friends name is Lana and we call her anal

Ya this is clearly not true.... if you carved backwards like you said you did, it would be fine. If i misinterpret, then the L would be backwards, unless it is a lowercase "L" which would suggest you used all lowercase letters.... so then the "a"s would be backwards and it wouldn't say "anal"

Stop trying, kid. Even if you had written it the right way, the wall behind it would have shown it as 'anal' anyway.