By wet dreams - 12/02/2016 17:46 - United States - Cartersville

Today, I came to the realization that I dream more about my vibrator than I do about my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 979
You deserved it 4 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just mix them together, have your boyfriend use some toys then you can dream about both. Tada, problem solved.

Shows which of the two is more pleasing


Nightingale1429 15

Hey, if he can't provide for you you gotta do what you gotta do. Talk with him about it. It will be hella awkward to discuss with him (men have feelings too) but that's what it is to be in a relationship, you learn from each other and try to better yourselves through one another.

I now pronounce you vibrator and wife.

22JB 11

So is it safe to assume that the boyfriend is not even being thought about while using the vibrator. Hmmmm.

ChaoticPenut 4

Having a vibrator is the equivalent to having a pocket ****** that also tickles your balls

let your boyfriend use the toys on you. :-)

Ehh. Dreams are weird. My wife almost never shows up in my dreams, despite how close we are and how important she is to me. Its more common for me to dream about masturbating, as well, and we have a very fulfilling sex life.