By Anonymous - 23/09/2009 08:46 - Malaysia

Today, I came to a realization that the closest people to me in my life, the ones who are warm and welcoming, who're happy to see me, who honestly wanna know how I've been and how I feel, whose smiles make me feel warm and fuzzy inside, are the baristas at Starbucks, not my actual 'friends'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 561
You deserved it 5 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if they work at Starbucks, they dont really care how you feel. They're just getting paid to pretend to care.

It only makes you feel warm and fuzzy because the coffee is hot. I'll be your friend!


Eh your "friends" may only want your money but at least they have awesome iced caramel macchiatos

trizdan 0

same here.. except i don't any starbucks guys..

As the saying often goes, "If something's important enough to you, then you'll make the time for it." Don't just sit here and whine about it. It's not like your situation is the worst in the world (believe me, I've seen much, much worse). Just get out there and make some friends! Until then, you only have what you yourself have made an effort for. In other words, YDI.

Oh, I like the "today". I just don't like some FMLs not being a story, and instead being a thought. Also, I like pastry. Round and round my comment goes, where it stops, nobody knows!

mikey_was_here 0

You deserved it for putting your hamster in the freezer.

both "wtf?" and "lol", well done :p and now, intoxicunt is making rymes ^^

... how do you know about the hamster in my freezer?!

Probably because you speak and write in drawn on sentences, just get to the point already!

Flora_fml 6

Yeah, me three different Starbucks. It's a big family.

It's okay FMLer, I can be your friend too! :3

satanstoystore 0

ok your friends are probably like you. wrapped up in their own problems looking for someone else to make them feel good.

Umm hello! Am I the only one who sees no problem with this? Duh. You closely befriend the baristas and get discounted coffee.