By void bowels() { cry(); } - 26/11/2014 20:45 - United Kingdom - Caerphilly

Today, I came home late from work. As I got out of my car, I noticed a child-shaped silhouette in my bedroom window. I almost shat myself, since I live alone. I searched the whole house, sobbing in fear, only to find no trace of whatever or whoever I'd seen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 958
You deserved it 3 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xluciferx666 21

Looks like it's time to nope out of that place

That's almost as nerve racking as hearing the sound of children laughing when you live alone.



There was actually a time when I couldn't sleep due to horrific and graphic nightmares. This caused me to begin "seeing" things and I became very anxious and paranoid. I found some information on it and it's actually a crazy mom move your brain pulls. When you are stressed and anxious for a long enough time frame your brain is searching for the reason to this and if it can't find a real reason like you're handcuffed in a loonys basement, it'll just make something up. So the things I saw were made up much like the child was in this fml. The brain likes to do the if you don't calm down I'm gonna give you something to freak out about.

Is it a doll of some sort or toy? If not, run as fast as you can.

Dude I'm not sure if I would go in like **** that noise I'd sleep in my car

Oh God that's scary ghost ghost ghost!! Have fun being alone.

P4L 8

It's a ghost bro sorry to tell u bro but ur haunted muthafucka

This reminds me of the Doctor Who episode 'Listen'. On a slightly more relevant note, did you check that all of the exterior doors and windows were locked? This could give a clue.