By lylethomes15 - 21/04/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I brought my dog to the vet for a routine surgery. The vets assured me that no dog had ever died during this procedure. Apparently my dog was the first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 721
You deserved it 5 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So sorry. They should at least pay for a new puppy.


Andrew1094 0

My deepest condolences. I can't imagine how how I would feel if that happened to my dog. Definitely no YDI. No one deserves that.

i bet nobody could actually think of a LEGIT reason why anybody would deserve that. i'm sorry :(

truslide 0

YDI for for bringing your dog to a liar.

wowfmlife 0

lol 17 and im sure this idiot signed a paper saying they wouldnt sue because the doctor assured them nothing ever goes wrong. maybe YDI

99.9% of all veterinary professionals will REQUIRE a waiver to be signed before they even think about prepping the animal for surgery. Malpractice suits are worse in the veterinary world than they are in people medicine. Malpractice can prohibit a veterinarian from ever touching another animal again.

27 - I think there are just a TON of really really young kids on here (figure middle school - high school). They have little concept of the law and even less of a concept of how it takes a lot of money to sue. The lowest payment I've ever heard of from a Lawyer was 5,000 and since it was such a "low" amount it was expected up front before the lawyer would even take the case. And that wasn't even a suit. here's the deal kiddos: Suits are expensive. Just because you see people going to civil court on TV all the time doesn't mean anyone and everyone can/can afford to sue. There are lawyers fees, court fees, time and energy that goes into each case. AND if you lose? You often wind up having to pay the defendents fees. And even if you win, a large portion of that goes to your lawyer. So you wind up not making that much in the long run and thats the rare instance you DO win.

That really sucks. I think search/spam bots must be hitting the YDI links, because no human would say that.

Kitty34_fml 0

What was the surgery? I find it hard to believe that a vet would say "No dog has ever died from this surgery", because chances are, if something is considered a "routine surgery" (meaning it has been performed tons of times) your dog wouldn't be the first to die. If it did happen, I'm sorry. But there's no point in trying to sue the vet. You agree to any damages or loss of life that may happen during the surgery when you sign the papers. :(