By lylethomes15 - 21/04/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I brought my dog to the vet for a routine surgery. The vets assured me that no dog had ever died during this procedure. Apparently my dog was the first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 721
You deserved it 5 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So sorry. They should at least pay for a new puppy.


ragas 0

YDI completely. It's pretty much your fault

How is this OP's fault at all! They didn't know their dog would die!

sue their ass what ****** morons im sorry for your loss tho :[[[

Sadly no surgery is without risk and there is always the chance of death when it comes to sedating(sp?) or whatever you call it that knocks em out. Our vet says she cant operate on our dog to cut out all the cancerlumps because she'll most likely die from the sedation before even the first cut it made seeing as our dog is frikking old.

sondramcfail 0

That's sad, I'm sorry. I don't know why people put YDI for ones like this...

SVelasquez 0

There's no such thing as a routine surgery. I'm sorry to hear about your pup, though.

aw im so sorry. that must be so hard :( id be pissed at the freaking vet

how is it fthevetslife? Here you go: "Today I was performing routine surgery on a cute puppy. The surgery always goes well and I've never had any deaths. Today was the first. FML" All you commenters are such whiners. wow Go Pens

UnCensoredBitch 0

#5 & #39 You cant sue because the owner must sign a release before the surgery. Im curious to know if you did bloodwork before the surgery, sometimes there is something wrong with kidney/liver/heart function and the only way to know is to do bloodwork to let them check. Most people dont want to pay the extra money to have it done. I am sorry that happened to you!

aww thats so sad, what was the surgery, & what was the complication