By lylethomes15 - 21/04/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I brought my dog to the vet for a routine surgery. The vets assured me that no dog had ever died during this procedure. Apparently my dog was the first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 721
You deserved it 5 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So sorry. They should at least pay for a new puppy.


abcdefgh_fml 0
beany212 0

Awwwwwww I am so sorry!! hugs, kisses and flowers for the dog!!!

ziggy123 0

#68 I don't understand how you can ever justify saying that a person deserves to have their pet die?? no matter what the situation, and they don't deserve for signing the papers. People sign papers for surgeries that involve risks everyday, and if death is a very rare outcome of the surgery, then who wouldn't sign the papers?? you're just stupid OP I'm sorry for your loss, no one deserves that =[

im sooooooo an animal person and i could cry for you i know i would if it were one of my animals!!!!! once again soooo sorry

hey ziggy123 your just being coldhearted your telling him hes stupid so your the one whose stupid...he/she is at a time of loss and i feel terrible for him

scoutpup 0

im sorry, i feel bad for your dog and everything, but the fmls are supposed to be funny and make you laugh. this one just brought me down...

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20
alex_smokin_okin 0

this story is as fake as pamela andersons ****, if your dog just died, you wouldn't be online talking about it on a comedy website, you would be mourning your loss and thinking of the good memories you had with your non existent dog I know you don't have a dog because a true pet owner would never joke about this