By drebel - 09/03/2011 22:27 - United States

Today, I bought my fiancée a dress for her birthday. She accused me of saying she was fat, because I bought it in medium rather than small. After trying on the dress, she's now not only mad at me for buying it, but also because the dress fits perfectly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 386
You deserved it 4 548

Same thing different taste


Say sorry, and you will be forgiven. Even when you're right you're wrong. Thank you Everybody Hates Chris.

usnwife 18

I need an extra large, but its cuz of boobs... I'm not at all fat and embrace my body, no matter what size the label says. I want to punch girls like that!! FYL, dump her and find someone better who is comfortable with who they are!

varkey 7

well you should probably dump her FYL

YDI Seriously how could you not know such a basic fact as to NEVER buy clothes for a girl.

Lucky7Samson 10

Fail girlfriend is fail. FYL OP

skatack 0

You mean your ex-fiancee, right??? I hope you realize she isn't going to get LESS obnoxious over time.

Really? If your fiancee gets upset over the most frivolous and asinine things, then you know things are going to get worse when REAL problems happen. Dump her before it's too late.

Pebbles89 9

Totally agreed, she won't change, especially if she flipped out about something so stupid as this.

141 - Buddy, calm doooooooooown. The way your post reads, you come off as a whiny, overly hyper 14 year old.

Pebbles89 9

Honestly, I wouldn't be offended if my guy went and bought me clothes, I'm around size 12- 14(i just had my son a month and a half ago) but I still fit into everything I wore before i got pregnant, and actually ended up dropping some of the weight I've had before, but still, obviously, that girl has self- esteem issues that SHE needs to work on, it's called SELF- esteem for a reason.