By 2classicNot2 - 09/04/2011 07:52 - United States

Today, feeling social, I went to a bar. During a trip to the dimly lit restroom, I fixed my makeup, and carefully penciling my sparse eyebrows. After an evening of meeting new people, I went home. In my well-lighted restroom, I discovered that my eyebrow pencil was actually my bright red lip liner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 773
You deserved it 34 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh, my! haha, sorry OP, I giggled a lot at this.


Erindub 0

That freakin sucks but hopefully since the bar may have also been dimly lit no one else noticed. Yeah just keep telling yourself that!

varkey 7

you're an idiot for using the lip gloss... at least check you moron YDI why pencil your eyebrows anyway?

MuffyStJacques 0

Exactly why you should leave your eyebrows alone.