By 2classicNot2 - 09/04/2011 07:52 - United States

Today, feeling social, I went to a bar. During a trip to the dimly lit restroom, I fixed my makeup, and carefully penciling my sparse eyebrows. After an evening of meeting new people, I went home. In my well-lighted restroom, I discovered that my eyebrow pencil was actually my bright red lip liner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 773
You deserved it 34 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh, my! haha, sorry OP, I giggled a lot at this.


Mimiroxxi 0

hmmm...maybe I should start doing that :) right eye brow blue and the left green

Wellllll... At least your eyebrows were penciled? I dunno.

lmaoatall 6

and now you know why everyone was takeing your picture!

YDI for being stupid enough to tweeze your eyebrows so thin that you have to color them back on. The fact that you colored them red just further proves your stupidity. Next time you want to go out and wear make-up, apply it before leaving home and not at the bar. Idiot. *shakes head at morons*

Mimiroxxi 0

my guess is why people tweeze their eyebrow is because the hate the shape of them, so they make the ones they like not to just color back on. the only time I color mines is when I accidentally tweeze a little too much on my left of my eyebrow.

iamelrebel 0

I bet you think your cool. Especially for acting all high and mighty on the INTERNET. Seriously, get a life.

some people don't have many eyebrows to begin with! how does that make her stupid? wow.

MissFukMyLuck 0

26 you might be overreacting just a bit..... it's actually really informative for these 12 year old girls on this site with their outrageous icons they consider desirable to know the dangers of OVER TWEEZING!!! if your gonna do it do it professionally or not at all. we women are all beautiful :)

TheBeatlesAreLov 0

You know something? I have naturally thin, sparse eyebrows. I never pluck them, that's just the way they are. How do you know OP doesn't have the same problem? You don't, so please do us all a favor and get over yourself.

@28, how many eyebrows do you have? @OP, next time you should experiment with other colors. I'm sure people will keep coming back to that bar just to see the woman with colorful eyebrows.

31 - I've had professionals **** it up. I prefer to do it myself because I can't trust salons to do it right. Either they've taken way too much off or misshapen my eyebrows. Also, food for thought - as women get older, their eyebrows do tend to thin out (either from age or from over-plucking and damaging the root).

iamtwiggyme 0

Who said she tweezed them too much? I have a scar through my right brow so I use liner on both to make them the same. And it sounds like she did apply her make-up before the bar, she just went to the bathroom to fix it.

Thank you - I really needed a good hardy laugh. I am still laughing.

mad_hatter0666 22

lol.sorry, that is a little funny. I'm sure you'll look back at this and laugh.

how do you mistake red for eyebrow pencil? hahaha

I don't see why people feel the need to do that shit. And why would you bother with your eyebrows did you not have enough makeup on to begin with? What were you doing, rubbing your eyebrows?

You don't know how much makeup she had on that night. Maybe she had that makeup in her purse from the last time she went out; just because it was in her purse doesn't mean she had to have used it that day. I have some makeup in my purse that just kind of stays there (lipglosses, mascaras, lip stains). That doesn't mean I use it all the time; actually, I rarely use them. Maybe she didn't have time or didn't think to fill in her eyebrows before she left, and felt "undone" without the liner. You don't know if she had the liner on before she left.