By 2classicNot2 - 09/04/2011 07:52 - United States

Today, feeling social, I went to a bar. During a trip to the dimly lit restroom, I fixed my makeup, and carefully penciling my sparse eyebrows. After an evening of meeting new people, I went home. In my well-lighted restroom, I discovered that my eyebrow pencil was actually my bright red lip liner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 773
You deserved it 34 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh, my! haha, sorry OP, I giggled a lot at this.


irforever 0

hahahahaha! this is the funniest one I've ever heard! :D

i hate people eith fake eyebrows. its so ugly

itsgen 16

seems like your a chola idk but I do know ur ghetto

you'd be surprised at how natural make up can look. it starts to look obvious and fake when you cake the foundation on and use unnatural colors, but a bit of powder (to even out the color of your face and reduce the shine), a hint of blush (to make you look healthier), some soft dark brown eyeliner and black mascare (make your eyes stand out more) look very subtle and natural. it is basically an enchanced version of what you already have. i barely wear any make up, but i have short lashes, so i use some mascara to make them darker, thicker and longer. the difference? i look less tired and the color of my eyes is brighter.


try not being nasty and drawing in your eyebrows you Mexican

ydi for drawing fake eye brows ... yuck