By _sempiternus - 16/11/2013 16:18 - United States

Today, during school, I passed out in the lunch line and hit my head on the metal rail as I fell. Rather than helping or expressing concern at all, my friends simply left my unconscious body on the floor. Why? They had to get to the lasagna before the cafeteria ran out of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 548
You deserved it 4 138

_sempiternus tells us more.

_sempiternus 11

For those of you that were wondering- yes, I'm alright. :) I'm anemic, and sometimes it catches up to me and I'll start to get lightheaded/faint. I hadn't been feeling well all day, and thought food might help... Guess I was a bit late. In regards to my 'friends', I suppose I used the term loosely. They aren't my closest friends by far, but I've known them for years. We were close enough that I ASSUMED the sight of me falling and bashing my head open would be more important than their need for dry, school-food lasagna. And, in response to one commenter, I didn't expect them to immediately transform into doctors. But it still doesn't feel too great when the people you call 'friends' step over you, sprawled on the ground and bleeding, in favor of food. And no, I don't speak to them anymore. We had a fall out shortly after this incident. Ah well, highschool is a joke anyways.

Top comments


olpally 32

I'd rather have pizza. I would've helped ya! Jerk friends ya got there op.

fml's have to voted on by users then approved by the staff. So this was probably submitted a day or two ago

kyu_Q 19

OP a good friend would understand that it's lasagna day. Did they get a piece for you?

November 16th is a Saturday, most people have school Monday through Friday?

The FML in question was probably submitted a few days ago.

OP: Look up the definition of a "friend" and then rewrite it.

If the lasagna at OP's school is anything like the slop at my old high school, it's not worth abandoning her friends for.

Well you weren't going anywhere. The lasagna on the other hand that goes by fast.