By Anonymous - 23/09/2011 10:41 - United States

Today, desperate for my boyfriend to notice me for once, I started noisily masturbating while he was playing World of Warcraft. His response was to put his headphones on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 376
You deserved it 13 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dear nerds... Not everyday your naked girlfriends masturbates next to you... Be sure to take full advantage.


if he's on WoW, he will never EVER notice you

There you go again. Thinking about yourself. Total lack of respect for your boyfriend and Warcraft!

Kick his arse to the curb. I dint care wats going on

And what happened the last time he wanted attention but you were in the middle of something?

Meaningless 1

Do something about it because it's not going to get any better.

Meaningless 1

Do something about it because it's not going to get any better.

Blow him while he's playing WoW. If you do it well enough he'll either stop playing and start interacting with you (win!) or he'll push you away to make you stop (fail!). If the latter, dump him for a new boyfriend.

akichan15 5

hm mine plays minecraft. but whenever I need something he stops playing. you should try having a talk with him about your needs too OP.