By Anonymous - 23/09/2011 10:41 - United States

Today, desperate for my boyfriend to notice me for once, I started noisily masturbating while he was playing World of Warcraft. His response was to put his headphones on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 376
You deserved it 13 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dear nerds... Not everyday your naked girlfriends masturbates next to you... Be sure to take full advantage.


radioedit 7

I WISH my girl would do something like that!!!!!!!!!

missnuthin 10

soooo.... you're dumping him... right? because that is just sad.

I wish my girlfriend did that to get my attention...thubs up OP!

shaz_09 6

Your issue is having a bf that plays WoW.

Well there are other ways of getting attention that don't involve sex. Some of these options include, but are not limited to: getting up, tapping his shoulder, and, in a kind and polite tone, saying, "Get the f**k off of the game and talk to me." Unplugging his console Hacking his account Dumping his stuff on the front porch and making some witty and ironic comment when he flips out about his stuff on the front porch Relationship counseling Talking to him about it Leaving him, or at least threatening to AND MANY MORE :D

SolemnlyLove 7

You are so ******* pathetic and really you're boyfriend is a total freak that imho should be dumped... Im a hardcore gamer but **** id slide my pc off the desk to **** my gf on it instead...

Wise_1 4

I hate to be the devils advocate, but maybe your bf ignored you because you tried to use sex to get him to pay attention to you.... an ex of mine would do that, whether reading, about to go out with friends, etc, she'd use sex to make me fulfill my "purpose" in life, to adore and worship her, once I caught on I was furious, she didnt want me because of ME, she wanted me because she wanted "control" and had massive issues with feeling alone, so some serious soul-searching now, also, you guys arent gonna last *note: during sex she had me do almost all of the work, so no "how horrible, your gf wanted to do you" comments

You know what's kind of odd? When a man nags a woman for sex while she's doing something else, he's being obnoxious or immature or a "horndog". When a woman nags a man for sex while he's doing something else, he's an idiot, frigid, homosexual, or otherwise whatever personal invectives you can find. Men are criticized when they fulfill the stereotype of the "horny male", because it lets the critic feel superior. But they're also criticized when they fail to fulfill that stereotype, because they've upset the critic by denying them that opportunity for smugness.

Try dressing out as a figure of world of warcraft.. Then when/if he tries to gown on you.. But headphones on...

You should also randomly scramble the letters around while you're typing.