By moncheri1314 - 10/09/2010 16:13 - France

Today, because I have a beach party tomorrow, I used a new gel that is supposed to prevent razor burn after shaving the bikini line. Turns out I'm highly allergic to the gel. Now I have hundreds of beautiful red bumps that look like razor burn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 520
You deserved it 4 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well... tell them it herpes... then no one will think it's razor burn.

SoundnVasion 0

People are gonna think its herpes more than anything.


tomatopants you're just a moron. LOL you obviously have never had an allergic reaction on your bikini line. Come take a gander at these beautiful red bumps and THEN tell me I'm a drama queen. You must not even shave your bikini line and in fact you must suck at life altogether. FYL

Well if they're beautiful, what's the problem?

how about a brazilian wax! no more razor burns!

Jacd 0

OP, next time, try rubbing organic coconut oil on your bikini line after shaving. It works great, is non-irritating and is natural. You can find it in the organic/natural foods section of your grocery store, or at a health food store. You'll never have razor bumps again.

thanks for the advice! Organic coconut oil is now on my grocery list in red :)

dynky 3

next time just buy swimwear that covers your bikini line (i always buy boys' swim shorts because all the women's costumes are obscenely short). problem solved. no painful hair removal necessary.

I'm not sayin "ydi" to be mean, but you kinda did… they always tell you to test the area of application 24 or such hours prior to using it :( but it still sucks so fyl and ydi