By dazedandconfused - 25/06/2009 22:29 - United Kingdom

Today, at work, someone heard me throw up. I then got called aside and told being hungover at work is unacceptable. I don't drink. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 431
You deserved it 3 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

x3Kiome 0

Congrats! Now yell at them and say you're allow to throw up because you're pregnant.

quackquackquac 0


If you didn't get fired it's not FML why is being pregnant an FML which is basically what is implied?

No... it's an FML because she got yelled at for being "hung-over" when she wasn't. That would have been humiliating, and made her feel like crap. And it would put her in a position of either being forced to tell them she was pregnant (and obviously that's not a very good way to tell someone, she would have wanted to tell them on her own terms) OR forced her to apologize for being "hung-over" ..when she wasn't. FHL, sucks tons.

devildog_angel23 0

I don't understand why everyone is arguing over the internet. She probably posted this because it embarrassed her and it was, in fact, an FML moment for her. End of story.

congradulations but this isn't so bad it probably happens all the time

#165, you are a disgrace of human race.

you should talk to HR. I am pretty sure most companies aren't allowed to ust yell at a coworker on the assumption that they are hungover. there is such thing as being legitamately sick, and as you have demonstrated, pregnant.

Why are you telling us? Tell your boss.

hoyce 0

FYL...but mostly just because you're going to have a kid now...

lovely997 0

I love how people argue about other peoples comments. 1. Read it 2. Comment if you must 3. Move the **** on Jeez.