By dazedandconfused - 25/06/2009 22:29 - United Kingdom

Today, at work, someone heard me throw up. I then got called aside and told being hungover at work is unacceptable. I don't drink. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 432
You deserved it 3 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

x3Kiome 0

Congrats! Now yell at them and say you're allow to throw up because you're pregnant.

quackquackquac 0


Well lemme begin...i use gay at times for dumb get over it, secondly dont ask sexual crap on a random fml..thats just plain stupid. Thirdly puke on the guy that squealed or beat his ass in one day. Teach him a lesson i am sure.

BTW, for those saying that she should get over it because she's not showing, IT SUCKS!! You start worrying that you're not gaining enough weight, or maybe the baby is sick, or there's something wrong going on in your body. Women are supposed to gain an average of 30-35 lbs while pregnant. I am 22 weeks, and everyone tells me that they wouldn't guess me a day over three months. I'VE GAINED 15-20 lbs!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT TELL?!?! It's very stressful, plus all the added hormones... Don't worry, OP, you are not starving your baby!!

j3nn1987 0

Well screw your co-workers then! Congratulations, sweetheart!

SweetestSin 4

FYL for having morning sickness bad enough to make you puke. I am now pregnant with our 3rd child and I never got morning sickness bad enough to make me puke and I had it for 7 months with my daughter. Congrats on the baby they truly are blessings. Next time you see your co-worker **** them up for being judgemental, it could have been a stomach virus as well if you weren't preggo. Judgemental people suck ass and need to be shot

This woman is a ******* punk. She easily could've have said those words, "I'm pregnant" and none of this would occur

lovelykendra5 0

She would've gotten fired, duh. Faggots. Jobs don't usually hire people because they are pregnant. But when she has the baby she would've had to quit.

i doubt she would have been fired for being pregnant (and if she had been it would almost definitely be illegal so she could go to court etc). and you don't HAVE to quit when you have a baby - nowadays a lot of women keep their jobs after having babies.

ManInTheBox89 0

wow, what a dumbass for not being able to tell your pregnant, I'd reply "well, I dont think being an idiot is acceptable at work either" to that co worker

have you watched Bella? same situation lol

Pretty sure you can't discriminate against pregnant women in even goes to court me thinks.

Plus... You get 6 months full-pay maternity leave over well as an extra 6 months (if you need it) which is unpaid. So she ain't got fired, nor discriminated against. Therefore...not an fml. But congrats on the baby anyways.