By TzarErik - 06/08/2014 23:33 - United States - Fort Collins

Today, at work in a library, I found a dirty diaper stuffed under one of the public use computer desks. Not only was it leaking, but it had been run over several times by a rolling office chair. I had to clean it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 662
You deserved it 2 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

My name is Erik and I work at a library too. Thanks for making me fear going into work tomorrow, buddy.

markcallanan_ 20


this would be a good reason for having a log of users who use the computers, and having them in view of the desk. then you could look at who used it and ask other workers who had the baby. bam, mystery solved and patron banned.

A shitty situation indeed... pun aside, no wants to see that at work. Feel for you

Did anyone consider that the diaper accidentally fell from the parents bag? life gets full on as a parent accidents happen. its stll unfortunate it became such a nasty mess for you.

I'm glad that never happened to me when I used to volunteer at the library. I hope it was just an accident, or there is one lazy, selfish person out there with no empathy.

Was there not a trash can in the bathroom? I would hope that it was changed in the bathroom...

The person who would do such a thing is wheelie bad and should be wiped over with a dirty diaper for making you have to deal with that crap.

daydreamer244 13

It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.