By TheTruthofWomen - 04/11/2013 05:45 - United States

Today, at work, I had to explain to my co-manager at work what a period was, after he refused to let an employee go change her tampon. Afterwards, he panicked, saying he thought women made that up so they didn't have to have sex, before trying to send her to the hospital and fainting. We're 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 204
You deserved it 4 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm just speechless. How is this possible for a grown-up man in his twenties?


yenze 18

how did someone so stupud get a position of manager

That's almost always the case, at least according to FML...

grobinson 9

The irony of this comment is baffling.

MattOnFML 13

By spelling "stupid" correctly

yenze 18

ok people didn't get that I didn't spell it right on purpose

89, 71 was just doing it to make sure we're all awake and paying attention.

JMichael 25

I found out what a period was when I was 10. He should of around that age or at least by the time he was 13. I'm not sure how one can be so ignorant for so long.

Guess who's been sleeping during sex ed classes....

or fainting from shock. Sadly, no one noticed him slumped in his seat, everyone else was enthralled.

Something we 'made up to get out of sex' haha?! Like saying "nah I ain't in the mood" isn't a good enough reason? That poor guy, his world's just been turned upside down by this very simple human fact!

sometimes it isn't a good enough reason. Not all men were created with the ability to listen and accept no as an answer.

Or sexual assault. Or the Struggle Snuggle.

RedPillSucks 31

Not sure why #40 is being down-voted. It's not like she's wrong. Some men wont take "no" for an answer, so women will make stuff up.

87 because not all people were created with the ability to accept a criticism as an answer.

stephers444 17

Actually, my boyfriend is amazing and I'm sure that he knows what a period is.

#51 so does mine. The craving of chocolate, aggressive tone in my voice when I speak or almost bursting into tears at the drop of a hat may have something to do with it.

Llama_Face89 33

Wait until you're older and hopefully wiser to start judging kid. You're evidence that women can be clueless idiots as well.

MzZombicidal 36

Yes, 18, because this one man's reaction explains every man on Earth. Let's ignore the many FML's on those clueless women and just generalize the whole male population for no legitimate reason! :)

Please buy him a book about the female body!

As one meme once depicted it, Chapter 1 was about 3 feet thick... though I think that could've been titled "Understanding Women".

30, I think the book meme being referred to was, "What men know about women vol.1"

Gwyddone 29

119, That's an empty booklet:D

sounds like his parents didn't explain about the birds egg cycle

How could he not know? My class technically didn't get the sex talk in school (the boys were too rowdy so my teacher eventually just gave up) but we all still figured it out on our own.

The thing he fails at most is thinking women 'HAVE to have sex'. Saying 'not in the mood' should be enough, we don't need to make excuses and lie because we shouldn't be feeling forced into it anyway. It makes you want to do it even less and you end up in a vicious circle.