By TheTruthofWomen - 04/11/2013 05:45 - United States

Today, at work, I had to explain to my co-manager at work what a period was, after he refused to let an employee go change her tampon. Afterwards, he panicked, saying he thought women made that up so they didn't have to have sex, before trying to send her to the hospital and fainting. We're 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 204
You deserved it 4 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm just speechless. How is this possible for a grown-up man in his twenties?


What the hell is wrong with this guy? Why would women make up something like this to not have sex? Women love having sex just as much as men do if not more. I bet this idiot never gets laid.

lol he must've not been around a lot of females in his life..?

I learnt about periods when I was 9/10. This man needs to get his shit together.

Sounds like your co-manager needs to learn more about a female's body and then needs to get laid. Sad... but yet still funny lol.

Has he never walked by the female products in a store and wondered what they were used for if he never learned it in school?

Brianna_Ray 23
baxwar 15

I'm guessing he was homeschooled