By Anonymous - 02/08/2013 21:34 - United Kingdom - Newcastle Upon Tyne

Today, at work, I felt a sudden, all-too-familiar pain in my stomach. I ran for the restroom, but before I could get there, I shat myself. I had to limp the rest of the way, then beg my boss to let me go home. He said no and told me to get back to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 013
You deserved it 5 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a douche. Why are people so void of empathy these days?

I really hope nobody uses the "shitty situation" pun. Oh wait, I'm too late.


BrianaKoala 7

Wow, what a dick!! People these days. :( Sorry OP.

OP I feel sorry for you, I would of just left work.

JoseIsAdork 31

sounds like your day was quite shitty, better days will come for you, don't let anyone piss on your parade either!

I would argue that falls under a medical emergency and your boss is legally required to allow you to leave work to deal with it. Certain things are more important than work!

Ask to take a break and see about finding something new.

How did you deal with the rest of the day with poop in your pants?

Hopefully you cleaned yourself up. That's the best thing to do in that situation. And it's not a shitty situation, just an unfortunate one.

if this is a common occurrence for you then you probably should always keep a change of pants and undies with you. or wear an adult diaper.