By Lunazel93 - 22/10/2012 04:07 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, at work as a massage therapist, I pulled down the guy's blanket slightly to massage his lower back. There were shit stains spreading from his ass crack all the way to his mid-back. When I told him, he wanted me to massage there anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 434
You deserved it 1 915

Same thing different taste


Damn take a shower nasty ass bastard!!

considering bacne is a valid reason to not massage someone, i think you were perfectly within your rights to refuse to massage that area OP. acky

as a massage therapist myself, you can tell em **** you get off my table. lol

Ick. Not that shit stains on my back is something I have going wrong, but before most doctor appts and before massage and acupuncture appts, I take a shower. Just seems like a common courtesy.

Does he really have that little self-respect? If, by some bizarre twist of fate, there was shit all over my back and I was completely unaware of it until the person about to massage me pointed it out to me, I'd be the most embarrassed, apologetic person you'd ever heard of and get my sorry ass out of the spa and into the comfort of my shower.

I would have refused service to this pig who clearly never learned how to wipe his own ass. Suggest him some potty training DVDs and send him on his way.

I would tell captain skid mark to get off my table

After you massage his low-back, promptly turn him around to massage his face. If he's okay with it being all over your hands, he should be fine with it being all over his face.

Special_Psycho 8

True that! I plan on being a massage therapist as an adult and I gotta say, I'm glad I know what things I might be getting into.

Alastrina_fml 20

That is DISGUSTING!!!! I hope you refused him service AND had him banned!!

MoonChild5 11

...That is so nasty. I would have puked on him if I saw that.