By Mal2222 - 12/02/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, at work, a man walked up the escalator with his chubby kid next to him and asked me where the shoe section was. I said, "For you or your son?" He said, "For my daughter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 288
You deserved it 35 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe that was his son with him, but he had a daughter at home, and needed to get shoes for her...?

I made a similar mistake a while back. I now refer to any child who's gender isn't obvious as 'the little one'.


lolacaust 0

Yeah i kinda agree with the shoes question itself.. but i hate fat kids that i can't tell their gender. The parents should make the kid put down the fork after the 4th helping

KhaleesiDannie 26

I was a super skinny kid and people still thought I was a boy just because of my short hair weight doesn't really make a difference

"For you or your son?" What, you can't tell the difference between a man and his child when he asks for CHILDRENS shoes? #22, you're an asshole. I hope that every child you spawn and are forced to have to live with and look at are obese.

He simply asked for the location of the shoe section..

goffar4 0

If he asked for KIDS shoes why would you ask if he was looking for him?? #23 why ruin the kids life's?

Sukismama 2

He didn't ask for kids shoes all of you need to read this again he didn't say who they were for he just said SHOE SECTION, he DID NOT SAY KIDS SHOES!

xoxo_carween 0

#22 is an a$s. to the fml poster. . i find this fishy? (: or are you just eating too much? hahaha. just kidding, that was LAMEEE. :D

yeah, because a grown man needs kids shoes

Sukismama 2

Yeah because he didn't ask for kids shoes, he just said shoe section

shepaintsmusic 6

this is relatively funny...