By fastfingers409 - 22/04/2009 06:44 - United States

Today, at a concert, I noticed a cute keytarist in one of the bands. After they got off stage, I asked their bass player if she was single. He replied, "actually, she's married," holding up his left hand, he continued, "to me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 529
You deserved it 46 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What does it matter? Isn't it better that you asked first instead of making a fool of yourself trying to hit on her? We really really need a "who the hell cares" category.

jdawg2010 0

this is a guy saying this, not a girl. men can't get pregnant. sorry :(.


Osakhomen 0

How were you suppose to know that she was married? And what's the big deal of him telling you the keytarist was married?

shit like this happens all the time.... asking out married women, lesbians, transexuals.... sometimes its for the best! especially when they are transexuals two words... boob jobs

heyyheyy222 0 mmm

ummm please explain to me how this is an FML? so what. if anything that guy should be thanking you because obviously you just complimented his wife

kewlfox 0


Totally not a FML... unless the guy was angry, and if he was I don't understand why. Most people would take it as a compliment, unless they are insecure.

kellster 2

Really?? Your entire fml is "today, someone was unavailable"??? Please stop being so lame. Thank you. PS: Wedding rings are often an indication of that. Just saying.

I'm with the other people who think there should be a "so what?" or "who cares?" option. Seriously, this is just stupid.