By fastfingers409 - 22/04/2009 06:44 - United States

Today, at a concert, I noticed a cute keytarist in one of the bands. After they got off stage, I asked their bass player if she was single. He replied, "actually, she's married," holding up his left hand, he continued, "to me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 529
You deserved it 46 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What does it matter? Isn't it better that you asked first instead of making a fool of yourself trying to hit on her? We really really need a "who the hell cares" category.

jdawg2010 0

this is a guy saying this, not a girl. men can't get pregnant. sorry :(.


that band has to be love you long time, right?

ashleyjaynee 0

Was this at the Believers Never Die show??

Trix_Disorder 20

Uhhhhhhh, who cares? Now you know. Innocent question.

you guys, shut the **** up about this not being a big deal and gain a sense of humor, this is ******* funny! and #1 that woulda been HILARIOUS except the guy probably woulda punched him lol.

we need a "nobody cares" vote and #128, you must be the type to laugh at everything that everyone says. get a real sense of humor.

wow this is cool. im a bassplayer... my girlfriend plays keyboards. and she has a keytar too.

Not a big deal, you basically just complimented someone's girlfriend.

Sounds like Love You Long Time. $ally-Kat, their keytarist, is married to Chains, their bassist. I'll bet keytar/bass married couples in the same band are pretty few and far between. p.s. So glad other people know who the heck LYLT are.