By Bilirubin - 20/02/2010 16:22 - United States

Today, at 1am, the girl of my dreams that I've been trying for over three years to date, finally asked me out via SMS. Too bad I was asleep at the time. She now thinks I've rejected her, and will no longer speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 724
You deserved it 3 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RipIt 0

that's rather unreasonable, she probably would've turned out to be a crazy controlling bitch anyway

Let me get this straight, if someone doesn't answer a message sent at ONE IN THE MORNING it is assumed that the person's dead or hates them? That's just a terrible tale, FYL.


dude if that's the type of shit she plays and she's made you wait this long? she's not worth it. I suggest finding another female and **** her in front of this beezy.

dg72592_fml 0

wtf that girl is retarded... who would get upset cause someone didn't answer their text from 1 in the morning... that's dumb as shit ur lucky ur not dating her

choosemusic 0

if you explained and she's still being an idiot, don't waste your time. she's obviously not worth it. (:

beer01 0
captain_failure 0

this same thing happened to me... it sucked until i told her "sorry i was sleeping when you sent that." now we have been going out for 4 months

flauchmiester 0

the guy is supposed to make the first move anyways so that's ur fault!!

lara522 0

SHE finally asked YOU out? you were waiting for three years for her to make the first move? wimp.


Maybe she'll ask you again in a year, when she turns 13.