By TBaggins00 - 21/06/2009 07:34 - United States

Today, as I was texting a friend, I was going to warm up some cold pizza. As I got finished with a text I put the pizza in the microwave and set the timer. After the timer ran out, I opened the door and smelled burnt plastic. Turns out phones aren't meant to be in the microwave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 246
You deserved it 61 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha i do that stuff all the time. i once was eating a cookie and listening to my ipod and i put the ipod in my mouth. ha.


wow, your an idiot....microwaves dont melt your phone.....this is fake....they explode in the microwave.....

quackquackquac 0

Yup, except it was a computer... I think it was for Mozy's online backup.

how the fukc did you pull that off? that's like saying "i was taking a poop while on the phone, turns out you can't wipe your ass and flush the phone then expect to get it back"

captainobvious07 0

Well I guess you will be having phone flavored pizza. If you eat it it will ring in your stomach!

Next time, be more attentive to what you are doing. Weren't you wondering where you had misplaced your phone to?

You fail for being so angry at something which didn't even happen to you.

Nomad609 0

You fail for being an asswipe, go cry you stupid ****.

milgalo 0

I think it's better to imply then to straight put it out there, it's better worded. "Today, as I was texting a friend, I was going to warm up some cold pizza. As I got finished with a text I put the pizza in the microwave and set the timer. After the timer ran out, I opened the door and smelled burnt plastic. I put my phone in the microwave. FML" Everyone to their own, but they don't deserve it for their sense of humor, they deserve it for being careless.

Nomad609 0

'turns out phones arent meant to be in the microwave' I Hate it when people try to be funny. Guess what OP, you're NOT. just ******* say you accidentaly placed it in the microwave Ok? YDI for being an idiotic pathetic A*Hole.

lennon_ 16

third person to write this...dumbass

if this is real... that sucks, but still YDI for being inattentive.