By nickrick12 - 19/07/2011 22:57 - United States

Today, as a 1 year anniversary present, my boyfriend let me see and wear my engagement ring. He then made me give it back at the end of the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 167
You deserved it 5 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah he needs to get it back to his wife before she notices it missing.

Are you serious? Next time he's horny, show him the promise land, and when he asks for a taste, gladly close it back up with a smile on your face...


that's just awesome. I wish I had thought of that.

It's been a year and he's already thinking about marrying you. Be grateful he's taking his time with the proposal so he can do it when he's ready instead of rushing it!

well now you have somethin to look forward to don't u!

Had to run back to the pawn shop before it closed.

You shouldn't be getting engaged after only one year anyway. It does suck if he didn't bother getting you anything else, though.

jennabenna09 1

what a jerk he's like taunting you!! that's totally wrong!

He probably borrowed it for the day from his real fiancé.

ilovedemexicans 3

Wow wat a kill-joy but happen to me to aha but it was a joke that lasted about 30min