By nickrick12 - 19/07/2011 22:57 - United States

Today, as a 1 year anniversary present, my boyfriend let me see and wear my engagement ring. He then made me give it back at the end of the day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 167
You deserved it 5 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah he needs to get it back to his wife before she notices it missing.

Are you serious? Next time he's horny, show him the promise land, and when he asks for a taste, gladly close it back up with a smile on your face...


victoria1026 0

Wow that's different. Commitment Tease? Run away!

Huh. That's weird. Did he propose or not?

Anyone saying that it's only been a year and it's ridiculous for them to even consider marriage should stop and think that maybe the OP and her boyfriend have been friends for a long time. Odd gift though. I'd be irritated if I was her. Then again, if she didn't get him anything, she deserves it.

ReynshineCutting 10

Even if they didn't there's nothing necessarily wrong with it. My fiancé asked me to marry him a month and a half after we met. I definitely don't condone that for everyone but there is such thing as love at first sight and it does happen. We're getting married next summer and will have been together about 4 years when we do. So in comparison, proposing after a year might not be short at all :)

kaykay20 0

A year seems a good time to consider proposing especially if they were friends first and gotten to know each other before deciding to date. Any sooner then that seems too soon especially if they haven't experienced living together yet or started dating before getting to know one another. On the topic of the fml I think he should have just said she wasn't yet fit to take such a step in the relationship instead of also ruining the whole surprise associated with it. I find such approach to be a bit heartbreaking but appreciate such honesty.

And you're with him still because.....?

Probably because she hopes he plans on proposing some time later, perhaps (which he most likely will, since he's teasing her about such a big deal.)?


hahaha at least you know he got you one!!!

deadbabyjesus 2

don't dump him. there's got to be a reason. although the whole thing is strange to me. ask him why he did that? idle maybe he has some kinda reason. best of luck.

Darklord53 0

what are you complaining about? this means he's going to propose.

So even though he wasn't proposing, he let you see and wear your "future" engagement ring? That's ridiculous. FYL for having a stupid boyfriend.