By Anonymous - 07/10/2010 04:39 - United States

Today, after years of waiting, my mom and I finally received a check from Child Support Services. Excited, I opened it up to find a check from my dad, written out for 45 cents. Which pays for maybe half a loaf of bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 830
You deserved it 3 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Your dad is a worthless piece of trash. Count your blessings that you don't have a dead beat like that in your life.

ask your mom for 55 more cents and you can buy a whole chocolate bar


Wow. Your bread is a lot cheaper than mine. So is your father. Good luck trying to get him to take care of his responsibilities. It sounds like you and your mum have been getting by on your own so stay strong until karma/justice/vengeance/God turns things in your favor.

at least your dad pays maintenance there's di many single parent families where the father doesn't pay a dime

Well, when you look at it that way, her dad pays 4 times as much as those who never pay a dime! How generous...

hoolie06 0

"Never paying a dime" would mean zero. Four times zero is an astounding zero.

I see what you mean :/ Math was never my best subject...

I know the feeling. My dad moved overseas when I was 4, so he doesn't have to pay child support. My mum only gets $5.88 a fortnight from the governemnt. We're fine though, and I'm sure you are too. :) You're better off without him.

Thats enough at least to go buy a few slices of bread and make me a sandwich!

Ok, cause I'm nice like that I will provide some ham, pickles, perhaps even some mayo or other such condiment.. but the butter she must provide! :-P

I'll have capicola and salami on chiabata bread w/ a small amount of mayo, lettuce, tomato, black olives, banana peppers, a little oil and vinegar, and some basil, oregano, and pepper. Kthnx

How did you survive while waiting for that check?

honeybee366 0

one time I got a check for literally one cent. WTF can you get with one cent?

You could trade it for another penny..? Maybe you'll luck out and get one shinier than the one you had before!

maybe the mom is a coke head hmmm? and he doesn't want to pay her habits?? maybe she's a deadbeat mom trying to live off child support?

killabee 0

Hmm?? Yeah, what about that! Didn't think of that one didja?! And maybe the OP is also a raging coke-head and the poor put-upon father is just a lowly minister who gives all his money to street urchins and only has enough money for stale bread himself!!

you_freak 7

Maybe you can get some extra money by asking your school for a refund *cheque

He's not a dad, he's a father. Any man can father a child but it takes a real man to stay with it, nurture it, and help it grow. That man's a dad.

perdix 29

He spent as much to send the check as the check itself was worth! Yikes!