By Elena - 07/07/2011 23:56 - United States

Today, after having worked two jobs for months to save up for a big vacation, I came home to find my hard-earned money replaced by my boyfriend's brand new motorcycle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 512
You deserved it 6 500

Same thing different taste


Is there even any question to this? Kick his ASS to the CURVE. And keep the bike, while you're at it.

birds_fml 7

Dump this asshole, OP! I don't know if you have any legal recourse... if the money was in a joint account, he can legally clear out the account, even if you put all the money in there in the first place. I bet the bike is in his name only, too, right? So you don't even have a legal right to sell or destroy the bike as revenge. Which sucks. If he stole the money you kept somewhere as cash, or took it out of your private account, call the cops and have him arrested. And DUMP HIM whatever you do! You don't want to be with a guy who takes the money you were saving for something! You get married, and he'll run up huge debts on credit cards without telling you about it, and then legally, if you're married, you're responsible for half those debts too, even if you get divorced! Dump him now and cut your losses!

EvilDave 13

FYL. But, YDI for dating a guy who would do that. You should have had the money in a bank account. If you didn't, YDI If you had it in a joint account without being married, YDI. If you can prove he took your money have him arrested for theft. It was you money, right? He took it without permission and bought something for himself, right? That is theft, grand theft from the sound of it.

Key it. Return it. Slap him. Break up with him.

Sell the bike, dump him, enjoy your vacation.

budd28 0

that's ur fault for giving him ur money or letting him take it so easily

iMagzzzy 0

Who let you out of the kitchen in the first place?