By Elena - 07/07/2011 23:56 - United States

Today, after having worked two jobs for months to save up for a big vacation, I came home to find my hard-earned money replaced by my boyfriend's brand new motorcycle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 511
You deserved it 6 500

Same thing different taste


yepadoodles 3

i think you forgot to add "ex" to his title

why in the hell would you give your bf access to your bank account?!

funnykinz1997 0

dump him and sell the motor cycle

My dad's ridiculous spending was pretty much why my parents divorced. I suggest leaving him before you end up divorced and alone with a ruined credit score and barely enough money to take care of your kids like my mom did.

HarveyMalone 0
CammyKarmaMendoz 0

I Would Have Dumped Him on The Spot And Keep The Motorcycle And Flick Him Off While He's Walking Down The Street.(: