By Elena - 07/07/2011 23:56 - United States

Today, after having worked two jobs for months to save up for a big vacation, I came home to find my hard-earned money replaced by my boyfriend's brand new motorcycle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 515
You deserved it 6 500

Same thing different taste


magickiss87 22

I'd have been so pissed that "extremely furious" couldn't even begin to cover it. That truly sucks, Op.

Ugh sorry OP. I hope you respected yourself enough to dump this dick soon after you posted this in 2011. I have a friend who had to get a secret savings account so her piece of shit bf would stop stealing her money to buy himself expensive things.

Ride that motorcycle back and get your money.

havahnegila 22

You should seriously never have a joint account. I didn't create a joint account until years after I got married. Never with a boyfriend, ever.