By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 00:11 - United States

Today, after having spent days working on it, I finished off a really elaborate seasonal greetings card for my boss. When I gave it to him, he took one look at it, flicked it in his trash can and said, "Fuck off, Steve." So much for a Christmas bonus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 533
You deserved it 19 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe if you put on a little more glitter...

I find it funny his fml name is anonymous. I know his true identity....STEVE. -dramatic chipmunk stare-


bre_zip_it_up13 11

what a dick you should start searching for a new job so you egg his car and then tell your boss to "**** off"

monamonkey 4

Where the hell do you work?!?!

Or......or....stay with me now you could have done your job

Some people just don't like the holidays.

Nice thought but next time, earn your bonus by doing your job well and not by making greeting cards.

Everyone's saying he could have been working instead without considering the possibility he was making the card on his own time. That said, either way I agree that it was a blatant attempt at trying to kiss up to him. How blatant would depend on whether or not they were at least acquaintances before this.