By levi69 - 18/05/2011 16:03 - United States

Today, after fifth block, I decided to go for a little walk. Apparently so did my boyfriend and best friend. I found them together under the stairs with her head in his crotch. She said she was looking for her contacts. His pants were pulled down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 584
You deserved it 4 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have took his dick and shoved it up her nose!

Iknoweverything 29

This is the first time I DIDN'T vote YDI. Not that any of you care, but I actually feel genuinely terrible for this girl. And I'm going to make it all about me by making sure all of you know how I feel.


and then she said... ohhh I'm sorry I lost my contact while I was giving head to your boyfriend... lol

dr3amcatchr 2

my wife is always loosing her contacts in my pants. It is a legit story.

shumian 4

there relationship is HEAD-Ed for the end

monica73 0

wow she found her contacts in his pants and tried to get it with her mouth butt missed and ended up suckingg up sumthing else lol .

Daviddwd 0

up his dickhole. he was gonna cum it out.

Id dump your boyfriend and get a new best friend!

She should have said: I just wanted to see if u were lying about how small his dick was!?! I mean she is already mad!

xo_jessica 0

' hope you kicked them both out of your life!

well YDI because u didn't give him one first. (I know u r going to press thumbs down but u have to admit that was a little funny) if u don't them u are a ****...****...continuos source of inspiration and I'm going to make this so Long u can't thumb it down . y y y y y x y y x c d d ff f vv v v v v v v v v v v v v g g I j u s t g o t f I r e d